
Products tagged with 'pillows'

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Gaby Pillows Common Carp Giant

It’s a very popular fish of the carp species.

Gaby Pillows Common Carp Regular

It’s a very popular fish of the carp species.

Gaby Pillows Killer Whale

Product Description What better alternative to the teddy bear or similar plush animal than a cuddly Killer Whale? The Orca, is a well-known marine animal with its beautiful colours. This cuddly toy is a nice gift idea, not only for the next generation of anglers! Length: approx 118cm

Gaby Pillows Great White Shark Giant

Perhaps the most well-known and recognized species of shark, the Great White, or White Pointer, inhabits the majority of the temperate waters of the world’s oceans and seas. It has a typical predatory body shape, characterized by its aerodynamic and muscular build and a mouth studded by rows of teeth which are constantly replaced. The Great White can grow to some 7 meters in lenght (around 24 feet), and is a viviparous species, giving birth to several live young individuals. It feeds primarily on fish as a juvenile and mainly on small (and not so small) marine mammals as an adult.

Gaby Pillows Crab

Cancer pagurus 60cm Crabs – A group of crustaceans consisting of nearly 7 thousand species. Crabs have a characteristic body shape with a thick exoskeleton. Many crabs, like the ones in our collection, are relatively agile and fast swimmers, able to move in all directions. They are found in all of the world’s oceans, in fresh water and even on land. Their diets vary but in general they feed on plant and animal material found on the bottom of bodies of water. They are an important part of the fishing industries of several countries and are prized for their pleasant taste.

Gaby Pillows Tench Regular

Tinca tinca 60cm The tench (or doctor fish) is a member of carp family (Cyprinidae) and inhabits the majority of Europe including the British Isles. Its prime habitats are slow flowing warm rivers and lakes with abundant vegetation. In optimal conditions, it can reach 70cm in length and weigh around 7kg. Tench have a characteristic stocky build and rather large fins. It feeds mainly on invertibrates found on the bottom of waterbodies. They are considered one of the most beautiful representative species of its family.

Gaby Pillows Sea Horse Regular

Syngnathidae 40cm/60cm Seahorse (Syngnathidae) A spectacularly peculiar and beautiful family of fishes characterized by their prehensile tails and shape, seahorses inhabit the shallow waters of many parts of the world’s tropical and temperate seas and oceans. They do not have scales as most fish, but skin which covers their body’s bony structure. There are several dozen different species of seahorses, well-known for the fact that the males carry the young. Seahorses feed primarily on very small crustaceans and invertebrates as copepods. Unfortunately, seahorse numbers are in great decline worldwide and some face extinction.

Gaby Pillows Clown Fish Regular

Amphiprion Ocellaris 32cm/56cm The Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is a small marine fish, recognizable by its characteristic color pattern. It is endemic to the shallow reefs of the East Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. Clownfish live in symbiosis with anemones, whose arms can be deadly to other fish. The reproductive cycle of the clownfish is linked to the moon’s phases and can see the clownfish reproduce several times a year. The species feeds mainly on algaes and plankton as well as food particles left behind by its anemone host. It is a very popular saltwater aquarium fish.