ESP Interchangeable Marker Float System Sonar Marker Floats fly straight and true. Their special aerodynamic shape provides the ultimate long range marker combining maximum distance and accuracy. The special moulded body is tough, durable and exceptionally buoyant, pulling line through to the surface even at distance in windy conditions.
The special fluted shape provides extra stability both in flight and in water. The bomb weight on the bottom is aerodynamic for distance casting and balanced so that the controller sits low in the water, helping maintain position when mending the line.The high vis top is perfect for bite indication even at distance and the translucent body is unobtrusive - perfect for stalking wary surface feeding carp.
A dedicated pack that contains all the components required to assemble an advanced float set up which is suitable for tangle free, long range plumbing. Equipped with a SLR float, a Shok bead, a Stem and Probe Lead.
Pronged Marker Lead - Mixed pack of 2oz & 3oz OR 3oz & 4oz - Uncoated to increase sensitivity - Pronged to not only provide the most senstive feedback possible but also retract some of the weed - Great casting qualities The sensitivity of the feedback from the pronged lead allows you to identify clear areas in sparse weed to the point where you can pinpoint exactly where the clear spots begin and end.
Pronged Marker Lead - Mixed pack of 2oz & 3oz OR 3oz & 4oz - Uncoated to increase sensitivity - Pronged to not only provide the most senstive feedback possible but also retract some of the weed - Great casting qualities The sensitivity of the feedback from the pronged lead allows you to identify clear areas in sparse weed to the point where you can pinpoint exactly where the clear spots begin and end.
Streamlined Controllers are a classic shape which cast accurately with minimal splash. Perfect for summer stalking! Streamlined Controllers are best used by locking them onto the line with float stops or mounted on a short section of silicone tube which sleeves the hooklink swivel. They can be cast with pinpoint accuracy and the larger sizes can be cast in excess of 60 metres.The translucent body is inconspicuous and perfect for stalking wary surface feeding carp.
Finger Stall - Neoprene finger stalls - Helps to protect your fingers when casting with braided leaders or at extreme range - Stamped with Korda logo - Available in three sizes S, L and XL Our neoprene finger stalls are streamlined, snug and offer unrivalled protection when going for the big cast, especially with braid. They are available in both small and large versions.
Ever had difficulty with your float rising on weedy waters? Well, this scenario is no more. We have produced a product that holds your float above the dreaded weed, yet still indicating the type of lake bed your fishing over through the line. The injection-moulded stems hold the float 10in or so off the bottom and feature the line running through them via the large eye. This, in turn, allows the float to rapidly rise to the surface, marking your chosen area. Your receive two in a pack!
ESP Marker Darts These new Marker Darts are designed to bridge the size and range gap between the original ESP Mini Markers and Sonar Marker floats. Their blow moulded bodies are more buoyant than balsa, are much tougher and not prone to damage. Marker Darts do not oscillate in flight, cast straight and true ensuring precise accuracy at distance even in a crosswind. The interchangeable flights are tough and durable and attach to the body on a super strong glass filled nylon thread. The new floats are unique in that they have been designed for optimum performance with designated lead sizes. The small 20cm dart is best used with 2oz (56g) – 2.5oz (70g) leads, whilst the medium 22cm dart works best with 3oz (85g) – 3.5oz (100g) leads. These lead sizes result in optimum casting performance and are balanced perfectly against the buoyancy of the float so that no feel is lost when pulling the lead back along the bottom whilst feature finding. Available in both Small and Medium
ESP Marker Gum is the perfect material for tying stop knots on monofilament and braid-ed main lines to maintain consistent accuracy when clipping up and casting to baited spots and features. It works in exactly the same way as the popular pole elastics used for marker knots but ESP Marker Gum is much finer in diameter, nominally 0.45mm but un-der tension it will stretch and contract to around just 0.30mm. This fine diameter produc-es tiny knots which simply fly through the rings without hindering distance. Available in fluoro orange and yellow the different colours can be used on the same reel to mark dif-ferent spots. A simple 3 turn stop knot tightened down will grip the line securely and not move. To remove the knot simply cut one of the tag ends flush with the knot and pull on the other tag end to release. Available on 5m spools (although by stretching the material down you end up with almost twice as much).
Ultra buoyant, and designed to cope with the rigours of distance casting. This handy kit comes with everything you need in one handy 'grab and go' package.
Compact all in one design that holds your bait bucket at the perfect height and saves you bending over to refill your Spomb™ or Fox Impact Spod™ Quick erect cam lock system Integrated padded rod rest Ideally suited for 10 and 17 litre square buckets Supplied with handy carry bag Carry Bag outer/lining: 100% Polyester, filling: 70% Polyethylene/30% Polyurethane
These in-line controllers have optimum length stems, an aerodynamic profile and provide accurate, tangle-free casting from short to extreme range with no oscillation in flight and minimal disturbance on splashdown.
These in-line controllers have optimum length stems, an aerodynamic profile and provide accurate, tangle-free casting from short to extreme range with no oscillation in flight and minimal disturbance on splashdown.
These in-line controllers have optimum length stems, an aerodynamic profile and provide accurate, tangle-free casting from short to extreme range with no oscillation in flight and minimal disturbance on splashdown.
These in-line controllers have optimum length stems, an aerodynamic profile and provide accurate, tangle-free casting from short to extreme range with no oscillation in flight and minimal disturbance on splashdown.
The Bait-Tech Floater Bucket, a grab and go pack containing 1.8Kg of floating pellets, plus 100ml of Slicker oil, a 20g pot of popup hookbaits plus a card of hair stops. Everything you need to get them going with the pellets ideal for catapulting or spodding out at range. The Slicker fish oil once applied and mixed in leaches out on contact with the water creating a slick across the surface.
Marker Elastic - Marker elastic will aid with accurate casting/Won't damage your line/Easy to remove/Supplied on a 6m spool Our marker elastic will help you to easily mark your lines, ensuring that you can fish accurately, even at night. Once you’ve found your spot and clipped up, simply tie the elastic to your line next to the tip, a specific rod ring or the spigot using the knot shown here. When you come to recast, as long as the elastic lines up with that spot on your rod, you know that you’re clipped at the right distance… simple. Our elastic is hi-viz and grips the line extremely well, yet is easy to remove when you no longer need it!
A bright orange elastic designed for tying highly visible range marker knots onto the mainline. Invaluable for accurate recasting to baited areas or features, particularly in darkness. The elastic will not damage the line, is easy to remove and remains gripped in place.