Nylon-coated, 19-strand stainless steel wire, designed to be either knotted or crimped. Low stretch makes this ideal as biter trace fishing for toothy predators when presentation is important.
Classic heavy wire Meat Hook. Extremely strong with a lasting sharpness, this classic hook is ideal for big baits when targeting large fish like cod, conger, tope and shark.
Modified version of the classic original Uptide hook. Heavy wire for added strength, forged and chemically sharpened, shorter shank for hard fighting fish in deep water and fast tides.
100% stainless steel construction makes these the most powerful and smooth running swivels available for their size. Cox & Rawle Power Swivels are smaller and stronger than the equivalent sized conventional brass swivels so offer less drag and a lower profile when in pursuit of wary fish on light rigs and traces
Extra strong and extremely sharp treble with micro barbs, a round eye and a corrosion resistant finish.Excellent as a replacement hook on lures or as a bait hook.
Strong enough to cast 3-4oz leads over 150 yards, these little gems are made from treated stainless and are around half the size of the popular ‘spinlinks’. Lure and Carp anglers will find these very neat and safe as they can be used as a snood attachment that dosent drop the snood.
Spinlinks are a smaller version of the fastlink but because of the special heatreated stainless these small clips are exceptionally strong ideal for lures and light sea or Carp leads but also used on many standard Beach rigs, 10 per packet
These unique crimps have a rubber lining which allow them to be crimped in position yet be moved without damaging the trace/rig line. This is a useful feature for altering the snood positions on multi hook rigs and means you can make a 3 up trace into a 2 up 1 down in seconds. They can also be used for adjustable bait stops to cater for different sized baits. Will fit lines up to 80lb, 20 or 50 crimps per pack
Pivot beads where the start of the cascade type rigs. Some clips have a bait clip on so can be relayed, all clips have a line store to take up slack so the snood can fit snugly into the clip below. The line store can also allow for a hook change. Although these have been superceded by the cascade swivel, they are still useful for night time fishing and for larger baits as they are not as petite as the cascade swivel. 8 per packet
Fastlink clips are our most popular quick change link or lead clips. Safe and strong for the most powerful casters. With the addition of an Imp the fast link turns into a small streamlined bait clip or rotten bottom release.