
Shimano Baitrunner ST2500

Manufacturer: Shimano
Availability: Out of stock
SKU: 0001-417
GTIN: 022255190251
Delivery date: 3-5 days
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Available in the same sizes as the DL, but with fewer ball bearings, the Baitrunner ST-FB is the entry level small Baitrunner. Varispeed line lay, Super Stopper II plus XT-7 body and rotor are among the many advanced design features included in the ST’s construction. The 2500 size is perfect for feeder and bomb fishing on small waters when fishing for carp or other hard fighting fish, whilst the 4000 size offers more versatility and power making it suitable for all general, pleasure and specialist fishing.

key_feature_v1_m56577569830902654.pngAR-C SPOOL & VARISPEED


 weight_range_v1_m56577569831033411.pngWEIGHT RANGE (G) 310-355



drag_type_v1_m56577569830930203.pngFRONT DRAG



retrieve_range_v1_m56577569831033412.pngRETRIEVE RANGE (CM) 68-75

 drag_range_v1_m56577569831033413.pngDRAG POWER RANGE (KG) 3-6

Products specifications